More on placing Eliab Stone in Salem, MA.
Historical Address and Poem, delivered at the Bicentennial Celebration.
BOSTON : Printed by Samuel N. Dickinson. (1844) Appendix p. 123
Lieutenant David Parker, now living at the North Parish, at the
age of ninety years, who was at the battles of Lexington and Bunker
Hill, and served two years in the revolutionary war, tells the following story of Rev. Mr. Stone:
" In the time of the revolutionary war, it was customary, if danger
was threatened or expected from the enemy, to fire three distinct guns
at short intervals, to alarm the people. Three guns in the night time
were fired at Salem : as all ears as well as eyes were open to danger
at that time, many turned out immediately from several towns within
hearing of the alarm ; and among others the Rev. Mr. Stone, although
a minister, turned out with his musket and military accoutrements,
having on his full-bottomed, white wig, to travel on foot to Salem to
meet the common enemy. But before they arrived at Salem, they
were met by a company from Boston, who informed them that it was
a false alarm, and no danger was at that time expected: they immediately set out for home, but on their return they met others going down, who were told by Mr. Stone that it was a false alarm. 'Ah/ said they, ' he is an old tory. We will not believe him, we will continue our march to Salem ! ' "
They soon met others from Andover, to whom he gave the same
information ; one of their number happened to know him, and said,
" Surely we can believe him, for this-is Parson Stone !" and upon this
information turned towards their homes.